In Chinese Medicine, seasonal transitions are important times of the year for rebalancing health. It is said that if you get acupuncture during the change of season, imbalances that lead to illnesses are less likely to manifest. The change of season affects the body’s Central Energy, Zhong Qi, (Qi = Energy) because Central Qi rebalances and recalibrates the body for the different environmental influences of the next phase. Secondarily, the body’s Defensive Qi, Wei Qi, which loosely correlates to the immune and upper respiratory system, also plays a role in adjusting to seasonal change and is similarly affected.
At the end of a long, hot, humid and slow summer our bodies are trying to expel the hot and humid residue of the season and step into a drier, faster pace with fall. In Chinese Medicine, the Lung Qi becomes active in the fall. The dryness typical of fall energy impacts the functioning of the Lung Qi. The past several years have presented us with an extended summer, as well as an overlapping of excess heat and humidity over the natural cool and dry energetics of fall, resulting in a longer allergy season in late September and early October. The fluctuating climate, from typical cool and dry days, alternating with hot humid summer days, combined with the high pollen count can create an environment where the already sensitized lungs and upper respiratory tract easily become inflamed.
I have created two essential oil blends, available for purchase in the office, to help soothe and nourish the Lung energetics for this relatively new early to mid-autumn pattern. The blends can be customized for each patient’s individual symptoms.
For adults, we start with Niaouli, an aromatic Australian myrtle, which soothes, cools and calms inflammation in the lungs. It combines well with Oakmoss, a lichen extract, which nourishes the lung fluids and resolves latent congestion. Finally, Orange is added for its ability to soothe the spirit and balance Central Qi.
For children, Rosalina, another Australian myrtle, with a gentle aroma and action, is more subtly calming for children. I have paired it with Tangerine, because it is gentler than Orange and thus more appropriate for children. A touch of Cardamom is also added to strengthen the delicate digestion of children.
Adult Blend: Niaouli 50%, Oakmoss 30%, Tangerine 30%, Orange 20%
Children’s Blend: Rosalina 50%, Tangerine 30%, Cardamom 20%
For acute conditions apply a stronger dilution, up to 8% for adults, and 6% for children. For everyday us, a 6% dilution for adults and 4% dilution for children is suitable. Custom blends can also be created for patients when they have a treatment with me.
I hope you enjoy the new blends this fall season,
Ioana Boambes