Weekend’s Reading – December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays Everyone,

There’s lots of good news in the health and wellness world with so many researchers trying to better understand how the body works. Please check out the articles below which are relevant for you, and feel free to share with us any good news articles that you find about how we can live and be healthy.

Well Wishes,


Weekend’s Reading – November 26, 2010

Dear Friends,

Please see below for some more recent articles about the ways that we can eat and live nutritiously.

Well Wishes,


How is one “cured”? This article and the following comments engage many sides in an important, dynamic topic regarding health and healing in today’s environment:

Find out what products you can purchase safely – BPA Free. Our purchasing power is our vote.

Helping children eat nutritiously means helping them live up to their potential:

Find a compost center near you. You can freeze your compostable garbage and then drop it off:

An inspiring story. If this young boy can be so disciplined with his diet, surely I can eat what is best for my health as well.

Summer turns to Fall and Weekend’s Reading

Dear Friends,

This week marked the official turning point from summer into fall. I have a newsletter coming out soon with lots of warming home remedies and recipes to promote healthy autumnal living. If you haven’t signed up to receive my newsletter, you can do so by clicking on the Sign Up tab at the top left of this page. I publish it quarterly, so do not worry about having a clogged Inbox.

In the mean time here are some other articles I’ve come across, which I think are worth reading.

Healthy Wishes,


~ Recent scientific findings demonstrate the benefits of massage at reducing stress: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/health/research/21regimens.html

~ Healthcare begins in the kitchen: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/22/dining/22doctors.html

~ Meditation is like cooking: http://bit.ly/br7Qu8

~ The toxicity of cleaning products: http://bit.ly/cZ7Y85

~ An article from a few months ago about beverages and weight gain: http://huff.to/9oXoK6

This Weekend’s Reading – September 4th, 2010

Dear Friends,

Here is this week’s recommended reading.

Healthy Wishes,


~ On Sweeteners and Artificial Sweeteners:


~ On Researchers studying the microbiome in the fight against diseases.


~ On Repelling Mosquitoes, Use a House Fan


~ On the chemicals used in fragrances


~ What do we know, and not know, about what is in our cosmetics, which we put directly onto our skin?


~ Another helpful healthful eating resource:


A Healthful Vision

The art of longevity involves sleeping well, eating well, and living well day to day. As an acupuncturist my role is to help transform the landscape of a patient’s body so that the environment within the body can function at its best, which allows my patients a better chance at living healthy and disease free. However there are many factors that must be addressed, and the power of my treatment is more potent when patients do their part to create a healthy environment within their own bodies.  This is one of the reasons that I prescribe herbs for my patients. Herbs are medicinal. They bring elements from the natural world into the body to nourish and protect the organs, cells and tissues.

I believe it is important for my patients to understand that one of the fundamental energy sources for the body is The Sun. We receive nourishment through both direct sunlight and from the breakdown of the food that we eat, and of course all of our food sources gather their energy from the sun. The sun is therefore how the cells in our bodies are fed and therefore capable of doing their job. Of course too much of anything, even a good thing like the sun, can be too much. The Confucian Doctrine of the Mean, which advocates for longevity and peace in society, teaches that living moderately is to our advantage. It is interesting to point out here that even moderation can be adhered to in moderation, and that indulging on special occasions is healthy and forthcoming.

Continue reading “A Healthful Vision”